姓名In This Chest 别名暂无
国籍澳大利亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Smooth melodies, guitars that burst out crying as well as hammering Mosh-Parts – That is what IN THIS CHEST is all about.
Five musicians from different walks of life share their feelings and create music, which comes from deep inside their chests.

Since the beginning of 2010 IN THIS CHEST played with a new line-up not only with famous bands like Watch Me Bleed and Last Day Here, but also developed their own style in concerts in whole Austria and Italy: As "playful ... complex ... peppered with attacks and dreamy feeling" and "one of the best demo's by any Melodeath / Metalcore bands from Alpine Europe ever" - they are described by Metal Underground or Truecultheavymetal. Sharp screams, tasteful harmonies, technical guitar arrangements and lyrics that go beyond scratching the surface are the characteristic features of the five Carinthians.

Their music perfectly unites the Metalcore, Hardcore and Melodic Deathmetal genres with synthesizer sounds and consistently attracts more and more fans. A must for all lovers of technical finesse and abrasiveness, as well as powerful refrains!
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