姓名Boozie 别名暂无
国籍以色列 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Boozie is a Synthpop dou from Tel-Aviv.
They work together since 2011, performing and stuff. Now at 2014 they finally released their debut album: Intimacy.
They shot two retro music video.

Boaz Valabrega is the writer and the vocalist.
Steven Angel is the keyboarder and the producer.

2011, When Boaz came back to Tel Aviv after travelling through Europe, thinking he is an indie Artist and fighting the existential depression by playing Britney Spears on his guitar for strangers, he started working in a local bar where he met Steven, a retired DJ who decided to start being a family man and stop being the party-boy that he used to be. Steven wasn’t shy and soon invited Boaz to his… #ham #ham.. Studio.
“Can we make pop music, but meaningful with tons and tons of synthesizers? Can we Steven???”
A year and a half later, Boaz and Steven started performing everywhere they could in Tel Aviv under their new name: Boozie. The boys, the girls and the gays are screaming for more from the synthpop duo.
On 3114, Boozie released their first Album following two sickening music videos and some plays on the Radio, and now they are starting to plan their Euro-Tour, which will enable them to bring their addictive tunes all over the world...
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