姓名Stephen Steinbrink 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Stephen Steinbrink (b May 1st, 1988) is an experimental pop songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and recording engineer born and raised in Arizona and currently residing in Olympia, Washington. Stephen began his career in the mid-2000’s, creating music with the band French Quarter.

As a prolific and consistent songwriter committed to his art form, Stephen has recorded 6 full length albums, and a scattering of short run EPs and singles on a variety of formats. His newest collection of songs, Arranged Waves, will be released on July 14th, 2014 by the Manchester-based label Melodic Records.

Frequently on tour, Stephen has performed in North America and Europe.
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