姓名MEN 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


MEN是来自布鲁克林的著名艺术表演团体,注重于表现出现场的活力以及舞曲的激进潜力。他们表现的话题从跨越意识,战时经济到性别妥协无所不及,并通过夸张的舞台内容与表演向大众传递自由的信念。乐队成立于2007年,由美国地下传奇电子DJ/制作/混音团队Le Tigre的成员JD Samson和Johanna Fateman组成。当着两人开始着手创作新歌时,他们也开始与JD所在的另一支乐队Hirsute联手合作。JD和Hirsute的成员Michael O\\'Neill (Princess,Ladybug Transistor) 以及Ginger Brooks Takahashi (LTTR, The Ballet) 组成了现今MEN的核心,而Johanna Fateman和艺人 Emily Roysdon则为乐队担当词作者,顾问以及制作人。JD Samson和她在Le Tigre的队友Kathleen Hanna,以及Johanna Fateman一同为Christina Aguilera的专辑Bionic制作了单曲My Girls ft.Peaches。 JD Samson也作为键盘手同Peaches一起巡回演出,此外,她还多次作为DJ出场表演。JD Samson 被称为美国独立电子乐坛的地下英雄 , 2000年,JD Samson层在为Le Tigre担任放映之后顶替了Sadie Benning的位置加入了Le Tigre乐队。与此同时,她也是The New England Roses的乐队成员,并作为The Herms的一员和Radio Sloan以及Samantha Maloney为著名电子摇滚艺人Peaches做现场乐队。2006年JD Samson与著名丹麦电子团体Junior Senior合作完成了歌曲\\"Can I Get Get Get\\"。MEN is a Brooklyn-based band and art/performance collective that focuses on the energy of live performance and radical potential of dance music. MEN speaks to issues such as wartime economies, sexual compromise, and demanding liberties through lyrical content and an exciting stage show. The group began in 2007 as the DJ/production/remix team of LE TIGRE members JD Samson and Johanna Fateman. When the duo began to write new songs, it made sense to merge their efforts with JD\\'s other new project HIRSUTE. JD and Hirsute members Michael O\\'Neill (Princess, Ladybug Transistor) and Ginger Brooks Takahashi (LTTR, The Ballet) now comprise the core of MEN, with Johanna and artist Emily Roysdon contributing as writers, consultants, and producers.
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