姓名Generationals 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


It’s been an active summer for New Orleans’ Generationals. Grant, Ted, first tracked their second LP, Actor-Caster in Washington DC with Con Law producer Daniel Blackand. They then returned home to New Orleans to write several new songs with drummer Tess Brunet during a housesitting session at The Spellcaster Lodge (home of Quintron & Ms. Pussycat). The three then headed out to Austin in August to record a four-song EP with Bill Baird at Baby Blue. They tracked in a sweaty, distinctly sound-porous box by day and swam in Barton Springs as an evening reward. It was the first time Generationals had recorded a body of work with anyone else. In their second release, Trust (EP), the band is audibly transitioning from a jangling, sun-kissed sound in the vein of Aztec Camera or Felt to pop drones distinctly more hypnotic, textured, and challenging to conjure accurate comparisons for. The shimmering hooks, girl-group choruses, and late-summer breeziness of Con Law remain intact in EP’s title track ("Trust"), but are joined by feedback loops, drum-machine beats, and abstractly dubbed-out, wobbling basslines throbbing organically in the mix. Con Law’s “When They Fight They Fight” may be Generationals’ early-career singsong anthem, but songs like “Say For Certain” and “Victim of Trap” are their lilting, droning annunciations of a burgeoning post-pop sound.
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