Cours Lapin 是一个来自丹麦的由四位电影配乐创作者组成的团体,在同名专辑中创作了11首法语歌曲。他们的音乐把人们带离冷冽的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,转而潜入具有浓烈法式童话色彩的阴暗的地下世界。整体偏暗色的编曲与演绎,女声淡淡的呓语,情绪游移在黑暗与激烈、纯真与欢愉之间,颇具Tim Burton以及David Lynch电影中的风采。
by Kenyon Hopkin
Canon Blue is primarily Nashville, TN's Daniel James, whose indie-tronic songs result from interest in electronic acts Boards of Canada and Autechre as well as songwriters Serge Gainsbourg and Nick Drake. His Colonies LP saw a September 2007 release in Europe through Denmark label Rumraket. The record was mixed by Chris Taylor of Grizzly Bear and mastered by noted electronic artist Cristian Vogel.