姓名Baylou 别名暂无
国籍澳大利亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Baylou are sister duo Barb and Victoria Baillie.

Victoria Baillie has been working as a solo artist for many years in Australia. Highly regarded in her own right, having won a Golden Guitar for Best New Talent at the 2010 Country Music Awards of Australia in 2011. Along side major festival apperances including the Gympie Music Muster, Deni Ute Muster & showcasing at Nashville’s CMA festival, Victoria has also toured extenstively around Australia on and also has had four Top #10 music videos on the Country Music Channel (CMC).

Barb Baillie has been an intergral part of Victoria’s solo career as a guitarist and and backing vocalist for most of her live shows and recordings. As a result of this and touring with artists such as Adam Havery, Beccy Cole and Troy Casser-Daly, Barb has carved out her own reputation as a player and singer, capitalising on touring with these acts and in effect creating her own fan base.

As a duo, Baylou will bring an exciting and fresh new mainstream country sound to the Australian Country Music market and with the backing of ABC Music and Universal Music Australia.
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