姓名Herman Brock, Jr 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Herman Brock Jr. is a left-handed Dutch Bluegrass, Americana and blues musician, multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter. His main instruments are vocals and guitar, and he also plays banjo, mandolin, bass and dulcimer. He has toured and worked with several acclaimed artists. We are very happy he joins us today with ‘Hometown’ and ‘HarvestTown’, go listen to it y’all!

Potential Listening Location: Not getting your cows runn’in, feelin happier than a two peckered dog, fixin to fetch a cold one… anywhere.
Persuasion Factor: Could persuade Joaquin Phoenix to win the Oscar (Best Actor for his role in Walk the Line) in retrospect.
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