姓名Hour Of Penance 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


意大利技术派残死乐队Hour Of Penance,兽性血腥的唱腔,超高速鼓击配合吉他疯狂下砍,厚重的贝司,不时点缀一些犀利的旋律。

by Chris True
A self described "brutal" death metal band from Rome, Italy, Hour of Penance formed in 1999. Influenced at first by a combination of black and death metal, Hour of Penance would soon move away from those styles, and -- being influenced by Cannibal Corpse -- opt for a more up front and pummeling style. Their first demo hit the scene in 2000, and was followed by their first album, Disturbance, in 2003. By this time they had laid the groundwork by playing the Swedish death metal festival at Gothenburg and signed with Spanish label Xtreem. A well-received effort, Disturbance was followed by the album Pageantry for Martyrs in 2005, which won the band some scene awards. Hour did have to go through some lineup changes in their time, but they eventually settled on Francesco Paoli on vocals, Giulio Moschini on guitar, Silvano Leone on bass, and Mauro Mercurio on drums. The Vile Conception, Hour of Penance's third album, was released in 2008.
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