姓名Dana Williams 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


A modern-day Ella Fitzgerald seems a notion too good to be true. But anyone who's been lucky enough to find themselves within an earshot of Dana Williams at one of her enrapturing LA shows can confirm the comparison is bona fide.

Counting the Queen of Jazz as her longtime inspiration, along with Billie Holiday, the 24-year-old singer-songwriter mounts enchanting, effortless vocals on a daydreamy backdrop for an entirely timeless sound.

Predisposed for musical merit, Williams continues the story set in motion by her father David Williams, whose guitar-playing genius lent itself to the likes of Michael Jackson, Madonna and Whitney Houston.

Writing her own chapter in the legacy, Williams has cultivated her talent from an early age, acquiring many notable fans along the way. When she was in just 4th grade, she was selected along to perform “Hard Knock Life” with Jay-Z for a TV special. Cut to today and she is still gaining nods from the hip-hop scene, most recently collaborating with Freddie Gibbs on his single “The Hard”, and being selected by Damon Dash to soundtrack his new fashion line, Poppington.
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