姓名Progreg 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Progreg - representative of the new school of progressive music. Each of his original work is an experiment between progressive sound and melodic techno.American alternative band - Linkin Park became the founder of the musical taste of the hero. Years later developed an interest in more experimental music. Replaced by alternative service, came such musical projects as: Prodigy, Narcotic Thrust, Klubbheads, etc.
After more deeply involved in electronic music began with the introduction of writing. For a long time had to spend on studying various sequencers and plug-ins.
The first professional product was released on the label of Particles in compilation Particles fall 2012 and received not a weak support from musicians worldwide, such as Markus Schulz, Hernando Cattaneo, James Warren, Luis Junior, David Granha and many others.
Currently, Gregory is a resident of labels such as: Particles (USA), Stereo Paradise (UA).
Expected releases:
Progreg - Underworld EP (Stereo Paradise)
Progreg - Mirage (DAR: Digital)
Progreg - My Space Friend (Stereo Paradise)
Progreg - The Secret of Light (Spring Tube)
Progreg - Never Look Back (Stellar Fountain)
Dream Stalker - Diffusion (Progreg Remix) [B-side]
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