姓名Interference 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


One of the charms of the hit Irish movie ONCE was the way it, without fuss, put the songs on centre-stage, allowing them to breathe and fill the space in front of the camera lens. The film is very much about the role music plays in peoples' lives; how it inhabits the space in and around different people, pushing and pulling them into contact - bridging the gap.
Amidst the brilliant performances by the main characters, played by the Swell Season duo of Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, there's a spine-tingling moment, set at a low-key party, when a group of musicians centred around an unassuming man with an extra-ordinary voice play a song called Gold. The song swoops and sways, its poetry merging effortlessly with the sound, creating a glittering, warm gift. It's a moment when the musicians merge into the music; to paraphrase Yeats, 'how can we know the dancer from the dance
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