姓名Irresistible 别名暂无
国籍挪威 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Irresistible is a vocal-group of four ?small-town? girls, who met in highschool in 2006, where they all began the same musicstudies. They became really good friends, and eventually started singing together. The girls became known for Norwegian TV viewers in 2010, through the show X-Factor Norway, where they with competition of 7000 applicants were able to qualify for the final rounds.
Since then they’ve been working alot in the studio, recording songs for their first album. And this year they’ve been performing live on national television yet again, through the MGP-competition which could lead to the Eurovision Songcontest. And even though they didn’t make it to the finals, they got lots and lots of good feedback on their preformance, and are now closer than ever to reaching their goal.
And the ambitions are high. They really want to make it on an international level, and have already received interest from countries like Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
They are contributing artists on rapper Big Ali’s new album, which will be released worldwide, and on their own new singel ?Elevator? they’ve been lucky to have the german rap-artist Carlprit, who’s known from global hits like ?Evacuate the dancefloor? with Cascada and ?(One) in a million? with Alexandra Stan.
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