姓名Sean Nicholas Savage 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Sean Nicholas Savage is from Edmonton, Ab and makes great pop music with nice hooks.

He is currently living in Montreal. Sean Nicholas Savage co-wrote and sang lead on many songs for the Silly Kissers debut album.

Sean has been prolific in his output, and has put out several albums under his own name, as well as numerous side projects. Under his own name, he has released: Summer 5000 , Little Submarine , Sunshine Melodies/Weird Daze , & Spread Free Like A Butterfly . The vinyl version of Spread Free Like A Butterfly is essentially a collection (and reworking) of songs from Sunshine Melodies and Spread Free Like A Butterfly.
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