来自加拿大的MSTRKRFT(也可以念作”Master Craft”)由J.F.K.与AI-P两位“粗尺”的大胡须组成。是一只非常酷的电子组合。他们给不少有名的项目做过音乐,例如出现在滨崎步的混音专辑『ayu-mi-x 6 -GOLD-』还有极品飞车原声等等。他们总是带着好像电锯狂杰森的那种面具上台表演,更好笑的是他们喝饮料就直接用吸管插进面具的小洞里。Puma甚至设计了以他们的面具为造型的项链。你可以上youtube找他们酷毙了的现场表演视频。MSTRKRFT (pronounced "master kraft") are the Daft Punk-loving alter ego of Death from Above 1979's Jesse F. Keeler along with producer Al-P. Hailing from Toronto, the duo makes a move from DFA 1979's abrasive rock to robotic electronic complete with vocoders and handclaps. In addition to releasing two singles ("Easy Love" and "Work on You") and an LP in July 2006 on Last Gang Records, MSTRKRFT have remixed several buzz bands such as Metric, Wolfmother, the Kills, and Bloc Party.