姓名Moonbootica 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


MOONBOOTICA saves lives. MOONBOOTICA guarantees the fun of excess. A great gift to mankind. Without fun, this world would recede into clouds of grey. And who wants that? With MOONBOOTICA, everybody has the freedom to say no to grey. On one condition: fun has to be discovered and used to full effect, with every sinew stretched. Once you’ve got that far, things begin to relativize, delusions of grandeur seem as easy as ABC, thanks to MOONBOOTICA. The powers that be strive for greatness, growth, expansion? MOONBOOTICA rise up to the challenge twice over! Composure through relativization, at the end of the day, MOONBOOTICA always have more in the tank. This calming influence comes courtesy of the “bigger than life” mindset, the classic Funkadelic lesson succinctly stated: “Free your ass and your mind will follow.”
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