姓名3 Sud Est 别名暂无
国籍罗马尼亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


3rei Sud Est (also spelled 3 Sud Est or 3SE, styled forms of Trei Sud-Est) was a dance music group from Romania. The group was formed in 1997. The acronym translates in English by "Three South-East", because the band had three youths. The first single stayed a full year on the Romanian charts.

In 2001 the Rai_uno Una matinna TV show hosted by Cristiano Malgiolio has invited and presented the stage group as the most successful band in Romania. He based his statement on the awards the group had won: the Bravo Otto Award 2000, the Black Sea Shore Mamaia Singing Festival 1999 and 2000 awards, and the Romanian music industry award.

Origin: Constan?a, Romania
Genres: dance/pop
Years active: 1997-November 2008
Members: Viorel Sipos, Lauren?iu Du??, Mihai Budeanu
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