姓名Barak The Rapper 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Barak Nathaniel Yahud, better known by his stage name Barak The Rapper was born on August 24, 1989 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Barak moved to Los Angeles, CA at the age of nine and began speaking, reading and writing in the English language for the first time in his life. He picked up the language rather quickly and started writing poetry as well as song lyrics by the time he was twelve years old. Barak recorded his first song in a recording studio by the time he was fourteen. Hip Hop did not seem as the obvious choice of music for a fourteen year old Israeli born teenager however, artists such as Eminem, Tupac and Nas quickly inspired the poetry fanatic to start writing hip hop song lyrics. Throughout his high school years, Barak recorded different songs with various local artists however, never truly focused on his craft due to the fact that he was still very much preoccupied with school and sports. Sports took up most of Barak’s time growing up. He went on to run track at California State University, Northridge and graduated with a degree in Biology. Over the past few years Barak The Rapper has put together a couple mixtapes and a self titled EP which was released in June of 2012. Barak has worked with multiple artists on a number of mixtapes as well as albums. He has opened up for big name artists and performed in mainstream venues such as the El Rey Theatre and the Key club in Hollywood. Barak has recently performed on College Campuses such as California State University, Long Beach as well as other California campuses. Now at the age of 23, Barak The Rapper has never been more poised and ready to spread his music throughout the world of Hip Hop and enlighten music fans everywhere.
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