姓名Oneohtrix Point Never 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Oneohtrix Point Never is the recording name of Brooklyn-based experimental musician Daniel Lopatin. His music has been described as “gentle eddies of sound”, and “like a cracked mirror refracting the sounds of the past.” A first-generation American, Lopatin is the son of immigrants from the former Soviet Union, both with musical backgrounds. Some of his first experiments with electronic music were inspired by his father’s record collection, such as the music of Mahavishnu Orchestra and Stevie Wonder, and Roland Juno 60, an instrument that has since been used extensively by Lopatin in the studio and on-stage.
Lopatin is often credited as a major pioneer in, or more frequently the creator of, the vaporwave genre, due to his pseudonymous 2010 album, Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol 1 He also runs the record label Software Recording Co., a subsidiary of Kemado Records and Mexican Summer
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