姓名Hammock 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Hammock是一个两人组合的后摇乐队,来自田纳西州的纳什维尔。历经两年的销售和创作历程,Hammock将现场乐器,电子节拍,和低音吉他融会贯通使整个音乐气氛类似于加拿大的Boards乐队Explosions in the Sky,和 Sigur Rós的风格。 Marc Byrd和Andrew Thompson的组合造就了Hammock。他们很早就认识了,那时Andrew是Marc的乐队Common Children的一员。在Common Children解散之后,他们仍然继续一起工作,写歌,录歌还有创作,正好他们都有空闲的时间,所以就逐渐将录下的音乐变成了Hammock的。Hammock最初并不像发行他们音乐室的成果,但是当他们所完成的歌已经达到40首的时候,他们改变了最初的想法, Hammock的音乐在2006年冬季运动会中三次崭露头角。"Winter Light"是在一则关于俄罗斯滑雪选手Tatiana Totmianina和 Maxim Marinin重返赛场的感人事迹播出时被大众听到的,当时是2006年2月13日。"Rising Tide",专辑Kenotic中的第二曲,是在播出加拿大滑雪选手Marie-France Dubreuil 和Patrice Lauzon的故事时同时播放的。"What Heaven Allows",Kenotic的第13曲,是在NBC的滑雪比赛中播出的。 2006年8月,Hammock与Darla Records签约。他们全长专辑Raising Your Voice...Trying to Stop an Echo在2006年11月20日在Darla旗下发行。9月中旬,两分钟时长的Raising Your Voice...Trying to Stop an Echo抢听版出现在Darla Records的前页

A duo whose ambient soundscapes drew comparisons to artists like Boards of Canada, and Sigur Ros, Hammock formed in Nashville, TN in 2004. The duo was originally conceived as an informal side-project between Marc Byrd and Andrew Thompson, who at that point were both members of the alt-CCM band Common Children. Hammock released their debut full-length, Kenotic, on their eponymous label in 2004; The Sleep-Over Series (Volume 1) followed one year later. The duo's profile was heightened in 2006 during the Winter Olympics when NBC played several of their songs during their coverage of the figure skating competition. Darla signed Hammock later that year, and the band's third album, Raising Your Voice…Trying to Stop an Echo, emerged in November. Hammock's fourth full-length, Maybe They Will Sing for Us Tomorrow, came out in 2008. The album, influenced heavily by the work of Riceboy Sleeps, found the duo striving for a more stripped-down, minimalist sound.
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