姓名Benny 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


benny, Washington, D.C.’s finest purveyors of Americana pop, combines elements of roots rock n’ roll, bluegrass, country swing, and folk, with a focus on strong songwriting. benny has filled out its acoustic sound with unexpected and danceable rhythms, lush vocal harmonies, and a broad sonic palette that is at times soaring and sentimental, other times bouncing and filled with frenetic energy, but always guaranteed to capture a crowd’s attention. benny consists of Patrick Hawkins singing and playing an acoustic rhythm guitar, Danny Hawkins on full drum kit and singing harmony, Jason Chmiola on bass, and Alex Vactor playing lead guitar.
Be sure to join benny’s email club to keep updated on shows and news by clicking here. benny can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud.
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