姓名Shake Shake Go 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


5 piece (pop/folk) band based in London

Members:Poppy Jones, Marc Le Goff, Kilian Saubusse, Virgile Rozand, Toby Barnett.

Having set across the streets of Britain playing their collection of pop folk anthems, Shake Shake Go have won over hearts from all around the country.

After their first year of being together, the London based five-piece originating from Wales and France have come a long way since their busking days of squeezing five people and a load of instruments into one very small car.

Soon enough they found themselves touring across the UK and Europe, sharing stages with some of the most well respected artists, including supporting James Blunt on the UK leg of his 2014 World Tour .

Captivating audiences with their catchy melodies and high energy drum lead performances, Shake Shake Go are definitely ones to watch.
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