姓名papersyndrome 别名暂无
国籍日本 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


The res und r ar f the electric guitar , it seems t say that f sh egazer bands that use the s und f just nly dist rted . Is qu ted and L veless My Bl dy Valentine ( bel w Maibura ) , it is t ld in the lump t gether . In particular , t the band f em , and bec me like it is t ld in the bundling f sh egazer , including in Japan r f r the band , such as Deer Hunter came ut t center the US Indiana fr m ar und 3 years ag , y u have rekindled have .

Wait Chiy tt ,

Technique itself that sh egazer , n t new s much . The meth d l gical , it is a s und reverberati n Alternative 90 's, 80's Maibura als Saikederyikku the late sixties as well as grunge . Depending n the era , r was fuzz , dist rti n r was , even when s me f the clean t ne . Changes t sh egazer s und as referred t in the reverberati n that is n w the garage reverb system is pr cessed there .

N w, fr m s und side , what is phil s phy in its back , the sh egazer , 's imp rtant here is , d y u n t necessary .

Etym l gy as c ming fr m style t perf rmance in d wnward as stare riginally , the sh es , it w uld be sh egazer the riginal g ing br ke bukkake in the r ar as if repelled mainstream and st ic .

As far as it will end up I make full use f the techn l gy era , reverberati n s und that appears whenever y u ended up . It's psychedelic Alternative Yea Yea Yea Maibura , and grunge . Suddenly , the urge t bec me bukkake want t break the f rm f l ck that is unif rm . Urge t pr trude much techn l gy and l gic gets in the way .

Y u will want t break Bukkake in reverberati n , it w uld be even f r representati n f the s und , I feel the urge t c mplaints against s ciety and day-t -day that was cl thed in ethics superficial als included t .

Well , as if resp nding t the sh egazer scene f UK indie and such US indie in recent years , the band has appeared in Japan 's papersyndr me.

It's y ung reverberati n r ck band f rmed in the center ends up speaking with with ut the falsett range fr m s pran t ten r , Shiraishi v cal guitar .

After all as I menti ned earlier , a feature f their s und , but backing v cals and guitar style f Shiraishi . V calist fr m s pran t ten r , t c ver the falsett with ut is n t intended t have h yeah . Speaking m re , 3 ctave is are y u c ver lightly . Say well , v calist , such like " y u get what ctave " is because it c ntains a falsett r alm st , it's ambigu us whether a v ice use . In this sense , that the v ice f Shiraishi w uld be a great weap n , n d ubt .

And , guitar backing is applied t the v cals f this wn . It's a c de w rk with a f cus n l w c de unusual t electric guitar , but create tensi n as c mplex as jazz at . I think I can imagine the pers n wh understands the structure f the guitar , but since the remains f c de and C, and if I have t 3 fret , d they bec me D, and leave the pen strings , tensi n is b rn in s und . The c de w rk f Shiraishi , such c de are many I f und . S me c de name is n t kn wn even himself the s und that is pr duced in the sense f nature . And , it's divided the dist rti n is applied t the c mplex s und . It w uld be nice t say unique sufficiently s und basis this al ne .

Then s und with a f cus n delay and exquisite guitar riffs 2nd Harada is g ing t pr duce a space , s metimes vi lently , s metimes beautiful . The guitar and the s ng played by Shiraishi , it is very versatile diametrically .

I feel it is this t p 2 , it 's like a strange wall L ming in the darkness f the jet black and likened t the s und f s mething Harada and Shiraishi . There , there is a figure which is suffering struggle in despair and l neliness , fight .

What supp rts the fight f the tw , it's ch rus w rk and the base f G rig ri w men bassist hashi d n t think . I have supp rt fr m bass replaced with simple lines really c mplex c de w rk f Shiraishi .

And , it's the r le f the Fukuda is a drum beat summarize the mass f this pers nality a certain apart. In terms f the classic , d n t kn w the pers n r kn w the r le , such as a c nduct r , and summarizes the entire beat clever .

Papersyndr me that can be b th adjective reverberati n system with sh egazer If y u listen t ne this . H wever , just be instead f armed superficially the s und side , that 's what det nated n the spur f the m ment fr m the spirit f lurking in the back , it 'll see it if y u listen the album f seven s ngs .

I think still , this album can be called the starting p int f energy that f ur decent twenty -year- ld let ut , by all means , and y u find it t listen t urge their papersyndr me threw . There , I'd expect s me f the darkness lurking in m dern s ciety is r n t than t reach y ur ears .
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