姓名Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five(大师弗莱什和愤怒五人组)对于刚接触饶舌音乐的人来说也许有些陌生,但是他们对饶舌音乐的影响,不是一两句话说的清楚的。1982 年,当 Grandmaster Flash 和 The Furious Five 发行了专辑《 The Message 》(教训)以后,说唱音乐已经建立了自己的风格和体系,那就是把三角洲城市布鲁斯、 R&B 、灵魂乐、 FUNK 音乐跟迪士高混合在一起.

DJ Grandmaster Flash and his group the Furious Five were hip-hop's greatest innovators, transcending the genre's party-music origins to explore the full scope of its lyrical and sonic horizons. Flash was born Joseph Saddler in Barbados on January 1, 1958; he began spinning records as teen growing up in the Bronx, performing live at area dances and block parties. By age 19, while attending technical school courses in electronics during the day, he was also spinning on the local disco circuit; over time, he developed a series of groundbreaking techniques including "cutting" (moving between tracks exactly on the beat), "back-spinning" (manually turning records to repeat brief snippets of sound), and "phasing" (manipulating turntable speeds) -- in short, creating the basic vocabulary which DJs continue to follow even today.
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