姓名The Wailers 别名暂无
国籍牙买加 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Bob Marley所在乐队。by Roger SteffensFollowing leader Bob Marley's death from cancer on May 11, 1981, the Wailers Band struggled nearly a decade for direction, hampered from releasing their own music by a Gordian knot of legal entanglements. Anchored by world-class bassist Family Man Barrett and his drummer brother Carlton (who was murdered by gunmen hired by his wife in April 1987), the Wailers Band performed well-received international tours almost constantly through the '80s. Lead guitarist Junior Murvin bravely handled most of the vocal chores, and keyboard stalwart Wya Lindo and percussionist Seeco Patterson (who brought the original Wailers to their first audition in 1963) added credibility, but as the '90s progressed, despite the title of their first solo offering, they were still struggling to establish their own identity on records like 1994's Never Ending Wailers and 1996's Jah Message.
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