姓名The Delano Orchestra 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


独立乐团The Delano orchestra, 采用了多样化的乐器甚至包括希腊曼陀琳琴和钟琴,耳语式的吟唱,来构成了他们优雅朴素却令人陶醉的音乐French ensemble, The Delano Orchestra, use everything from the bouzouki to the glockenspiel to craft their elegant understated tracks, but it’s the soft-spoken, whispered vocals that create their intimate sound. Scratchy electric guitars and soothing trumpets fill out the somber “Between Day and Night” while the melody of “Spread Our Little Wings” exudes a warming charm. Both tracks are from their endearingly-named debut album A little girl, a little boy, and all the snails they have drawn.
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