姓名Chino y Nacho 别名暂无
国籍委内瑞拉 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Born: November 15, 1984(Chino);August 22, 1983 (Nacho) Origin: Venezuela Genres:Reggaeton, merengue, Pop music

Chino y Nacho are a Venezuelan urban and tropical duo, consisting of Jesús Alberto Miranda Perez (Chino) (born November 15, 1984) and Miguel Ignacio Mendoza (Nacho) (born August 22, 1983). They are one of the first Venezuelan reggaeton labels that have gained international play. Although the band is famous for doing reggaeton, they mostly do other various types of music including merengue, alternative, salsa, classic, reggae, and many other types. Since 2010, the duo is known as "The Chino y Nacho Mania" for the massive popularity over the world.
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