姓名Desire 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Desire are a musical act from Montreal, Canada and Portland, Oregon. In June 2009, they released an album, II, on the Italians Do It Better label. The band is made up of vocalist Meghan Louise, producer Johnny Jewel (also a member of the IDIB bands Chromatics and Glass Candy) and drummer Nat Walker. Their lyrics are in French and English.The British music magazine FACT listed II as the 14th-best album of 2009.一只依旧保持着神秘色彩的葡萄牙厄运金属乐队.Desire的音乐可以视为一个整体,一出完整的悲剧。第一张专辑“Infinity...”讲述的是悲剧的主角的灵魂穿越死亡之路,寻找不朽的声明,并 在一只乌鸦的引领之下,寻找生命,而后那张MCD"Pentacrow"中唯一的新歌"When Sorrow Embraces My Heart"则是这出悲剧下集的一个引子,慢慢撩起主人公死亡原因的神秘面纱,而最后,专辑"Locus Horrendus"中主人公之死被笼罩在悲剧与浪漫之中。
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