故事开始於Clint与Corey Lowery两兄弟,在80末期组织起Still Rain乐团,解体后不久,Clint加入独立厂牌旗下超级Nu-Metal乐团Sevendust,担任吉他/合音一职,Corey以贝斯手的身分入主硬蕊金属独立乐团Stuck Mojo,随后又组织起Nu-Metal新劲旅部队Stereomud。曾在1999年与其他四位志同道合的音乐伙伴合组Virgos Merlot乐团的Brett Hestla,并无引起太大注意而转加入Creed的巡迴演出担任专属乐手,三年的合作结束后,决定选择DND作为下一个大展身手的舞台。集结庞克摇滚风格,招揽至Roadrunner旗下风光再出发的Doubledrive,具有深厚功力的吉他好手Troy McLawhorn,在Clint热情邀约下转加入DND。最后完成组装工程的第五位成员Will Hunt,曾担任90年中期以后跃升主流Post-Grunge乐派Skrape鼓手之职,同时被金属/摇滚全盛时期的代表团之一Motley Crue中最顽强团员Tommy Lee相中,出任他个人音乐事业之专属乐手。五位历经千辛万苦,终於在2004年正式成立DND,也激爆出五位最灿烂的音乐火花!by Johnny LoftusDark New Day formed in early 2005 and was quickly billed as a supergroup for the active rock set, since its membership came from various name-brand acts. Clint Lowery (guitar/vocals) had been a cofounder of Sevendust, while his brother Corey Lowery (bass) had played in Stuck Mojo and Stereomud; guitarist Troy McLawhorn was a veteran of Doubledrive, and vocalist/guitarist Brett Hestla had been in Virgos Merlot before becoming the touring bassist for Creed. Will Hunt had drummed for acts like Skrape and Tommy Lee. The band debuted with a track on the soundtrack for the spring 2005 horror film House of Wax before issuing the full-length debut, Twelve Year Silence, the following June. Tours with acts like Crossfade and Seether followed.