姓名Sambassadeur 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


2003年便已成立的Sambassadeur乐队继"between the lines"与"new moon"等两张ep唱片后总算推出首张同名大碟"sambassadeur"。二OO三年秋天,以女歌手Anna Persson为首的Sambassadeur乐队成立於瑞典的某个小镇Skövde。当时Anna Persson与两位吉他手Joachim Läckberg、Daniel Permbo仍只是在学生,并开始着手录製一些简单的demo/cdr作品(包括There you go)。秋天接近尾声时,Joachim的友人Daniel Tolergård从家乡Göteborg赶来与Sambassadeur三位成员会合,从此便专司Sambassadeur的贝斯手,隔年春天他们便开始於Göteborg的Klubb Mono、Bommens Salonger等地演出。经过头两张cdr与Ice & snow 7''等作品的陆续面世,Sambassadeur与South Ambulance等乐队获得了labrador的赏识而在瑞典当地与英国独立乐界都受到广大的迴响。Sambassadeur虽然没有显赫的来历,但音乐上多承袭Acid House Kings、Club 8,甚至The Radio Dept.、JAMC、My Bloody Valentine等人的清新噪音吉他,自然不会受到歌迷的冷落。尤其在首张专辑的开场曲new moon犹如奏来Club 8的甜美与The Radio Dept.的白色噪音,主唱Anna Persson的低调声线教人印象深刻。ice & snow的飘缓与梦幻彷彿是听见了My Bloody Valentine。one last remark折返Edson、Acid House Kings的acoustic ballad路线。带着轻巧鼓机节拍与空心吉他的sense of sound亦是Sambassadeur沉稳的青春梦幻。if rain对於一味追求草地上打滚的阳光男孩女孩们肯定是爱不释手。曾经何时的MBV风花雪月就落在一曲still life ahead之间。你若问我Sambassadeur有没有古灵精怪的一面,我会建议你听posture of a boy然后跟着他们一起击掌歌唱。呼吸着清新空气,如果真能在草地上打滚一天也算是件快活事,别忘了带上Sambassadeur。 One of the many accomplished indie pop bands in Sweden in the 2000s, Gothenberg's Sambassadeur make beautifully wistful, hazy music along the lines of the Go-Betweens, Belle & Sebastian, and the Magnetic Fields -- all of whom the band cites as influences, along with more left-field choices like Wire and France Gall. Sambassadeur formed in fall 2003, when guitarist/songwriter Joachim Läckberg, vocalist/guitarist Anna Persson, and guitarist/vocalist Daniel Permbo were all studying in the town of Skövde; after getting together for an impromptu recording session one evening, the trio members wrote their first song, "There You Go." Soon after, bassist Daniel Tolergård joined Sambassadeur and their lineup was complete. The following spring, the band began playing live (with a CD of prerecorded beats taking care of drums duty). Sambassadeur relocated to Gothenburg and issued two self-released CDs and a 7" on Dolores before signing to Labrador late in 2004. Released in 2005, the Between the Lines EP was their debut release for the label; that spring, Sambassadeur signed to AC30 to distribute their music in the U.K., and played their first date in London. Summer 2005 saw the release of their official self-titled debut album, along with more touring in Sweden and the U.K. In 2006, the Coastal Affairs EP arrived; one of its songs, "Kate," was featured in a commercial for Payless Shoes in the U.S. that summer.
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