绝对的浪漫、绝对的凄美、绝对的诱惑英国文豪「莎士比亚」浪漫悲剧主角「麦克白」再生一张绝对令人赞不绝口的概念式哥德式金属叙事专辑。十六世纪,英国大文豪「莎士比亚」在他最后的大作「浪漫的悲剧」一书中,描写了几段既浪漫又凄美的爱情故事,其中的主角「麦克白」选择以永久的睡眠不再苏醒,作为他对真爱的付出,二十世纪一个来自意大利米兰地区的哥德金属乐团,就取名为「麦克白」,用二十世纪的重金属摇滚来重新诠释「莎士比亚」这段浪漫凄美的爱情故事。 「麦克白」(Macbeth)这支七人编制的歌德金属团体在意大利米兰成立,于1997年录制了迷你专辑Nocturnal Embrace,经过了短暂的巡回演出,获得了良好响应,之作加盟Dragonheart唱片公司,于1998年底推出了第一张专辑「浪漫的悲剧」(Romantic Tragedy's Crescendo),这张改编莎士比亚文学钜作的作品,成逐渐握J欧洲唱片市场,让Macbeth成为全意大利家喻户晓、无人不知的重金属乐团。 A goth metal band much in the same vein as Evanescence or Lacuna Coil, Italy's Macbeth formed in 1995. Led by their drummer, Fabrizio, Macbeth recorded a six-track demo — Nocturnal Embrace — in 1997. Macbeth were soon signed to Dragonheart, which helped to release the band's debut album, Romantic Tragedy's Crescendo, in 1998. Before entering the studio to record what would be its follow-up album, the band underwent a series of large-scale lineup changes. Once a stable band roster was in place, recordings commenced on what would become the 2001 release Vanitas. The band took a few years to get a third out to the metal public, waiting until 2005 to release its next full-length work, Malae Artes. A tour for the album followed, and the band performed in a great many locations, including the United States and Lebanon. In 2007, Macbeth — at this point a dual vocalist-led septet — released their fourth album, Superangelic Hate Bringers, again on Dragonheart.