姓名The Marshmallow Kisses 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高0 体重0


peter和edine在01年在偶然的机会下认识, 由于两人同时喜欢日本涩谷系, 于是一起搞音乐, 音乐类型从早期的naive pop, cutie pop到最近的soundtrack, bossa nova, poetry, 可见两人创造的不只是简单的indiepop。peter平时喜欢作动画, edine喜欢拍拍照, 不过两人最喜欢的都是从不平的生活里,忧郁的情绪中,找出点点黑色的幽默,看他们的歌曲名字”everyone else ahead far ahead”, “我们遥遥欲坠”可知
Having met by coincidence, they shared similar musicial influence in neo-acoustic, eletrcopop, indiepop, shibuya-kei, japanese indie, french pop and so on. In 2004, debut EP was released. Limited copies might still be available through the band. They have also released different singles around the world in compilations. Songs have been used in advertising commercials such as JVC, Nike, Mc Donalds.
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