姓名Mark Hole 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


"Mark with a K, Hole in the ground!" he yells to the crowd at the end of a gig. Ever-generous with information, Mark makes sure that you don't forget him or lose track of him. You won't.

Well what do you need to know? Whether you like it or not Mark is coming at you, and an A List venue tour of major European cities serves as nothing more than a warm-up. Mark has recently been collaborating with award-winning producer and 'Rumer mentor' Steve Brown, and now supporting Tori Amos as she takes in venues like London's Royal Albert Hall just seems to be the next logical step. Mark is charged up and the timing is perfect, he has a vocal maturity and experience of performance that will put you in awe and at ease all at once, but he's also got the youth and vibrancy to take it to any teenage tear-up.

So who is Mark Hole? Well you'll get to know him. Start by listening to his songs, going to his gigs, you'll find him to be a pretty open kind of fellow, if a little eccentric. It's relevant by the way - his eccentricity, his uniqueness, because it informs a musical style with a real independence of character. Think Rufus Wainwright and Ben Folds, then think beyond both and a bit to the side. You won't have heard much like it, and you'll want to hear more… You can of course start with a small secret collection held under virtual lock and key on his website - 'F Sharp' - which as well as having the privileged position of being bought by Kevin Spacey on the basis of its cover photo alone, is also a magnificently crafted assortment with some stand-out singles. The thirsty lust of 'Dirty's what i like' will get you heated just in time for 'My Friend' to kick in and make you feel all nostalgic and loved up. But typically, he doesn't even consider the above to be a debut, because the gems continue to emerge and all energies are focused on the next project. I don't think we're gonna be in short supply of output here, and his official debut's release is imminent and eagerly awaited by fans. Mark with a K, Hole in the ground. Prolific, proud and easily taken to standing out from the crowd…
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