姓名Hammerfall 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


瑞典的重金属以死亡金属著称,但这支组建于1993年的力量金属乐队Hammerfall却在这死亡之中散发光芒,并以其独特的风格在欧洲独树一帜。他们的音乐有着英雄的气魄,听起来感觉酣畅淋漓,让你过足力量金属之瘾。我很喜欢他们的《Renegade》专辑,它发行于2000年,优美的旋律、震撼人心的鼓点、动人心魄的SOLO、凌厉的即兴段落全从这专辑里面释放出来,令人情不自禁和歌而舞,爽到极点!这张专辑保持了Hammerfall以前专辑中冲力十足的音乐风格,题材也同样以中世纪的骑士故事为主,他们那种排山倒海的英雄气势直逼Rhapsody。Following their formation in 1993, Hammerfall underwent numerous personnel changes before settling on their current lineup, which includes principal songwriters Joachim Cans (vocals) and Oscar Dronjak (guitars). In Flames skinbeater Jesper Stromblad contributed to their debut, although Patrick Rafling replaced him soon after. Since the release of their debut Glory to the Brave in 1997, Hammerfall have become one of the toasts of the Eurometal scene, residing in Germanys Top 100 for over two months, with Glory dubbed Album of the Year by Rock Hard magazine. The Swedish rockers have also played numerous metal fests, including the Wacken Open Air Festival; they returned in 1999 with the EP I Want Out. Renegade was issued a year later.
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