姓名Floorfilla 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言意大利语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Floorfilla is a band electronics, led by Italian Gabriele Cerlini alias Dr. DJ Cerla , French B Momo and dj Italian Dj Moratto (Singer) in the series of Anthem (# 1, # 2, # 3, # 4, # 5, # 6). They are the Dj resident of Tunnel Bombon3RA in Reggio Emilia .
Cerlini Gabriel, aka DJ Cerla, born in Italy in the early 70s. He started playing as a DJ in clubs and then produces its own productions. In 1993, he became known as the Rotterdam 93. Accompanied by Moratto, he signed the first single to be Wonder rankings in Italy, Spain and Brazil. In 2000, he enjoyed success in Europe with Anthem Anthem # 2 and # 3.
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