姓名Fine Young Cannibals 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


轻善良的食人族合唱团简称F.Y.C.,是八○年代中晚期崛起的一支流行摇滚三人团体。除了主唱Roland Gift之外,其馀两位团员均来自另一Ska(雷鬼与节奏蓝调混合的一种音乐形式)团体English Beat,所以F.Y.C.的音乐节奏性相当强烈。 1986年他们在美国推出首支单曲Johnny Come Home并没有预期的成功,反而不如他们翻唱猫王的畅销曲Suspicious Minds来的受欢迎。1989年第二张专辑「The Raw And Cooked」一发行即立刻获得英、美两地的热烈回响,不仅专辑在Billboard得到7周冠军,并且造就了She Drives Me Crazy、Good Thing两首冠军曲,在当时一片美国黑人绕舌声中,F.Y.C.写下了英国团体反攻的新纪录。由于F.Y.C.对作品严格要求,结果只有几首满意的歌曲根本交不出整张专辑,于是进入九○年代之后,该团就销声匿迹了,而主唱Roland Gift显示了他对演电影的强烈欲望,并在一些影片中客串,像电视影集【超时空战将】(电视版的【时空英豪】)也有他的踪影。反观「The Raw And Cooked」专辑里的伴奏乐手Jimmy Helms、George Chandler、Jimmy Chambers因为F.Y.C.新专辑迟迟无法出炉耐不住寂寞,另外组成London Beat,自己开创新天地。F.Y.C.的传奇也只能在这张精选辑让人重温旧梦了。
by Ed NimmervollWhen the Beat (known as the English Beat in the U.S. only) split in 1983, it came as a surprise to guitarist Dave Cox and bassist David Steele. The first time they realized that the groups vocalists, Ranking Roger and Dave Wakelin, had gone off to form a group without them was when their accountant phoned to finalize the divorce. While the defectors had formed General Public, Cox and Steele set about creating something new of their own. Apart from not wanting to repeat the mistakes the Beat made, and a vague notion of adding both jazz and soul to the Beats ska roots (they also decided to feature a strong vocalist), there was no real master plan.The latter proved harder than they could have imagined. More than 500 potential singers auditioned, before, despairing of finding someone, they decided to seek out a singer whose band had once supported the Beat. They found Roland Gift singing with a barroom R&B band named the Bones, looking like Sidney Poitier but sounding like Otis Redding. He was everything they had remembered; he was their man. Gift had spent his teenage years in youth theatre, until the advent of punk made music his main passion. As punk gave way to the two-tone ska which gave rise to groups like Madness and, ultimately, the Beat, Gift took up saxophone and singing in a local band. Keeping live work down to just the occasional on-off date, the Fine Young Cannibals signed to London Records in early 1985. Their name came from an obscure 1960 film starring Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood. Resisting the record companys attempts to team them up with a producer determined to make the group a product of her sound rather than theirs, the Fine Young Cannibals released a demo version of Johnny Come Home as their first single. Its instant success allowed them to team up with a compatible producer, Robin Miller, for the first Fine Young Cannibals album, also containing the groups trademark overstated version of Elvis Presleys Suspicious Minds. For the Johnathan Demme film Something Wild, they reached back into Gifts punk past with a version of the Buzzcocks classic Ever Fallen in Love. Five years later, a second album emerged, The Raw and the Cooked, the raw side made up mostly of songs the group had contributed to Barry Levinsons film Tin Men. The single She Drives Me Crazy was a worldwide number one hit.Since then, the Fine Young Cannibals have remained elusive. Cox and Steele continue to work together under various names, while Roland Gifts hoped-for film career never quite took off. The Fine Young Cannibals have never officially broken up, and rumors of reunions and recording sessions have persisted. Their 1996 greatest hits album, The Finest, featured the newly recorded track Flame.
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