姓名The Kills 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地英国
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


The Kills,从名字来看,给人一种阴森音乐的感觉,这一点不能说完全表达出他们音乐的特质,但点到为止的暗示还是有的,这个名称和近来很红的同样是来自美国的the Killers极为相似,不过能过能够像the Killers那样的走红,对the Kills老说有些困难。乐队的正式记录始于2002年,那个夏天他们的第一张E.P - Black Rooster 在Domino旗下发行,随后The People., Fried My Little Brains也紧接着发行。在03年的年初,The Kills终于发行了他们的处女专辑,Keep On Your Mean Side。专辑也得到了包括NME在内的媒体的一致推崇。在沉寂2年之后,The Kills又在2005年初又推出了No Wow。The Kills由美国女孩VV和英国男孩Hotel组成,深受地下丝绒、 PJ Harvey和The Jesus and Mary Chain的影响。来自Florida 的 VV( Alison Mosshart ) 和来自伦敦的Hotel ( Jamie Hince)六年前相遇于伦敦南部。在VV回到Florida后,他们最初的交流维系在mail.唱片以及偶尔昂贵的国际长途上。终于在2000年的时候,VV迁入了Hotel在Gypsy Hill的住所。他们分别给了对方一个艺名. The Kills就此诞生。或者更确切的说,在他们相遇之日就已诞生。是的,这是只属于他们两个人的团队,简单,直接。这是仅属于他们的,还需要其他的成员么,不,明显的,任何其他的人均将成为入侵者。The bluesy punk duo the Kills consists of vocalist/guitarist VV, aka Alison Mosshart, formerly of the Florida punk band Discount, and drummer/guitarist/vocalist Hotel, aka Jamie Hince. After Discount ended in 2000, VV began exchanging tapes with the London-based Hotel through the mail, but both of them felt hindered by this method, so VV crossed the Atlantic so the duo could write faster. In spring of 2001, they issued a self-released demo that showcased their gritty, sexy sound and earned favorable reviews from such quarters as TapeOp Magazine. They also contributed a song, "Restaurant Blouse," to 5 Rue Christine's If the Twenty-First Century Did Not Exist It Would Be Necessary to Invent It compilation early in 2002, before their debut EP, Black Rooster, arrived that summer on Dim Mak. Along with gigs at the London and Glasgow LadyFests and supporting Le Tigre, the Kills also toured the U.S. for eight weeks before returning to London to finish their first full-length album, Keep on Your Mean Side, which was released by Rough Trade in spring 2003. Their second album, No Wow, arrived in 2005 and was an even dirtier, leaner collection of songs. The Kills retooled their sound for 2008's Midnight Boom, mixing in more electronic beats and pop hooks.
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