姓名Sixpence None The Richer 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


99年以亚军恋歌"kiss me"迷醉全球听觉的清新甜美组合带来更细致动人的写意创作;
柔美推荐心醉神往的首支单曲"breathe your name"与重新诠释crowded house亚军成名作"don't dream it's over"
聆听清新悦耳的流行乐,就如同倘佯在蓝天白云的好时光,总是会让人忘却一切,沉醉于歌曲的情境空间,sixpence none the richer的主唱leigh nash从造型到歌声都予人一种温柔、恬静、天真、可爱、见腆的邻家女孩感觉,当"kiss me"这般两小无猜似的甜蜜情歌从她的口中唱出,全球乐迷就情不自禁的倒在她那甜蜜的歌声怀抱里,99年春季,"kiss me"透过华纳电视网的热门青春影集《恋爱世代》(dawson's creek)用作插曲曝光后,终于让这支以纳许维尔为根据地的清新队伍浮出台面,歌曲跃登billboard流行单曲榜亚军,还 蝉连抒情榜5周亚军,并获得葛莱美奖最佳流行乐团的提名,紧接著,重唱利物浦组合the la's乐团 89年作品"there she goes"亦有抒情榜top 20的优异成绩。
就像是一抹微温的阳光,sixpence none the richer 在90年代的尾巴为乐坛重新营造出那份和谐美好的流行摇滚气息,2000年春季,乐团展开新专辑的录制创作,不过,出身独立厂牌 的他们却在此时陷入主流厂牌的合约争夺战而担搁了筹备工作,主唱leigh nash与乐团创作核心matt slocum却也没让这段沉默时光过于安静,2001年春季,leigh nash与温哥华电音情境创作团队delerium合作的"innocente(falling in love)"打进billboard舞曲榜top 5,再与另类摇滚英雄los straitjackets翻玩老歌"the end of the world",2001年岁末,为班艾佛列克与葛妮丝派特洛主演的文艺片《当真爱来敲门》演唱片尾主题曲"need to be next to you",再添一首抒情榜top 20,matt slocum则是投身'纳许维尔东区创意艺术中心'的创建,希望能为乐坛挖掘年轻新进。
加盟reprise音乐厂牌后,sixpence none the richer于2002年岁末推出新作《divine discontent》,除了包括sean kelly(吉他)、justin clay(贝斯)在内的四位团员外,乐团又加入rob mitchell(鼓手)、jerry dale mcfadden(键盘)两位新朋友,专辑由matt slocum与制作名家paul cox (10000 maniacs、xtc、the wallflowers)联手制作,并力邀录音大将tom lord-alge(avril lavigne、billy joel、weezer、pete yorn)跨刀。leigh nash用细柔歌声轻轻的传达歌词中对现实世界里的真爱、失落、恐惧与信仰的描述,乐团则在旋律情境空间的亮度与质感掌握上更见 用心,让写意情韵绽放更迷人的听觉感受,像是心醉神往的迷情单曲"breathe your name"、活络摇滚筋骨的畅快之作"tonight"、"waiting on the sun"、展现古典弦乐优雅伤怀气氛的情境佳构"tension is a passing note",还有leigh nash单独执笔创作的"down and out of time"与"eyes wild open",以及重新诠释crowded house乐团87年亚军成名作"don't dream it's over",甜美可人的sixpence none the richer这回多了属于成长的哀愁,惊喜悦耳之余,蕴藏更动人的感受.
by Jason Ankeny
Named in honor of a passage from C.S. Lewis Mere Christianity, the Austin, TX-based CCM trio Sixpence None the Richer began taking shape in the early 90s, when guitarist Matt Slocum first met vocalist Leigh Nash (nee Bingham) at a church retreat. Initially a trio rounded out by bassist T.J. Behling, the group recorded a 1993 demo which led to their signing with the R.E.X. label; their debut LP, The Fatherless & the Widow, appeared soon after. With rhythm guitarist Tess Wiley, new bassist J.J. Plasencio and drummer Dale Baker, Sixpence None the Richer toured before returning to the studio to record their sophomore effort, 1995s This Beautiful Mess; the Tickets for a Prayer Wheel EP followed later that same year. Both Wiley and Plasencio exited prior to the groups next LP, an eponymously titled effort issued in 1997. Two years later, the band achieved their greatest success with the single Kiss Me. The song was featured on the third season to the WB drama Dawsons Creek and catapulted Sixpence None the Richers starpower into the mainstream. Praise continued; the bands rendition of The Las There She Goes was also a major hit thanks to its inclusion in the Nickolodeon film Snow Day. The new millennium look bright as well; despite the departure of founding drummer Dale Baker in 2001, Sixpence None the Richer gathered material for a fourth album. Rob Mitchell replaced Baker and the band inked a new deal with Reprise. In fall 2002, Sixpence None the Richer returned to form with the lushly beautiful Divine Discontent. The bands cover of the Crowded House classic Dont Dream Its Over pushed Sixpence None the Richers name back into the charts in early 2003; the songs inclusion on the soundtrack to the WBs Smallville was a major hit among the teen audience.
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