James Christopher "Chris" Carmack (born December 22, 1980) is an American actor and former fashion model, best known for the television teen drama series The O.C., and such films, The Butterfly Effect 3: Revelations, Into the Blue 2: The Reef, Love Wrecked, Beauty & the Briefcase and Alpha and Omega.Carmack was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Derwood, Maryland. He has two siblings, a brother and sister. As a young boy, he enjoyed participating in all types of sports: baseball, basketball, football, and wrestling. Carmack was also a longtime counselor at Seneca Creek Day Camp, known for singing the original "Rocko the Lazy Moth" and "Ode to Salpino" among other favorites. At Magruder High School, however, his attentions turned to theatre and he began working on three productions per year, on-stage and off, in addition to competing in numerous drama festivals