姓名Rodrigo Y Gabriela 别名暂无
国籍墨西哥 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Rodrigo y Gabriela是一个速弹吉他二人组。两人都是定居在都柏林的墨西哥人,两人曾经都是重金属青年,也都曾经流落柏林街头卖艺。后碰到同道中人Damien Rice有了转机,邀请他们一起巡回进而录制了Rodrigo y Gabriela自己的专辑。独特的木吉他旋律让他们的音乐很难被准确诠释----跨越世界音乐和摇滚音乐之间,而且经常充斥着很多延绵不绝的西班牙古典乐旋律。曲子中的狂热又源自他们一直以来对金属乐的激情。
  Rodrigo有着肆虐的速度,Gabriela有着惊人的节奏技巧,她敲击的感觉很有弗拉门戈的味道,这也是他们音乐的精髓之一,同时也深受拉丁美洲民间音乐的影响。在金属摇滚方面,他们重新编排了Led Zep的”Stairway to Heaven” 和Metallica的 “Orion”,现在,又新翻了Roby Lakatos 的“Ixtapa”,一首火热的匈牙利吉普赛小提琴曲。

by Evan C. Gutierrez
Rodrigo Sanchez and Gabriela Quintero met as teenagers in Mexico City, both dedicated heavy metal fans at the time. They combined their talents for a time in the metal group Tierra Acida, playing around D.F. in the roughest clubs the city had to offer, and working day jobs. Though they recorded, Tierra Acida never hit it big, deciding not to release the album. Instead, Sanchez and Quintero concentrated on learning more guitar styles, teaching lessons during the day and playing bossa novas in hotel bars at night. Bored and frustrated with their chances in the Americas, Sanchez and Quinterodecided to try their luck in Europe. They traveled to Dublin, where a friend offered them a place to stay. The duo spoke no English, had about a thousand dollars between them, and upon arrival found that their offer of hospitality had vanished. The pair soon turned toward busking on the streets of Dublin. Though street performance is not an easy way to make a living, the pair soon developed a good reputation, and established contacts and connections. Among their newfound friends was fellow busker Damien Rice, who soon asked them to accompany him on tour. The Mexican duo had by this time developed a large repertoire of original material in a variety of styles. They released their debut record in 2003, entitled Re-Foc, followed a year later by Live: Manchester and Dublin. Rodrigo y Gabriela now continue to tour the world music circuit, compose, and record. Their third album, Rodrigo y Gabriela, was released in 2006.

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