PANTERA以凶狠的音乐和肆无忌惮的生活方式而著称,可以说,他们是自METALLICA以来在商业上最成功的Thrash Metal乐队。虽然乐队是从1990年Cowboys From Hell专辑的畅销才开始享有世界声誉,但实际上,他们早在80年代早期就已成立,并在1990年之前通过自己的公司发行了四张专辑。最早的历史要回溯到八十年代早期,那时热中于重金属的Diamond Darrell和Dimebag Darrell兄弟, Vinnie Paul和他们的教父Jerry Abbott创建了自己的唱片公司,名字叫作Metal Magic Records。 1984年,PANTERA正式成立,最早的成员是:Dimebag Darrell(吉他),Vinnie Paul(鼓),Rex Brown(贝斯)和Terrence Lee(主唱)。乐队在德克萨斯州俱乐部里开始了他们的重金属旅途。乐队的第一张唱片叫做Metal Magic(金属魔力),风格是早期的Thrash Metal/Glam Metal,这张唱片很成功的卖出了350,000张,这无疑给这帮小伙子很大的鼓舞。于是他们又马不停蹄的推出了专辑Projects In The Jungle(丛林计划)和I Am The Night(我是黑夜)。发行公司仍然是他们自己的厂牌Metal Magic。虽然成绩不错,但此时乐队的听众还主要是当地的听众。 好运降临。Acto公司发现了他们,答应与乐队签订出版唱片的合同。这无疑是PANTERA梦寐以求的事儿。此时,乐队对主唱Terrence Lee的表现不很满意,于是乐队在去路易斯安纳演出时认识的Phil Anselmo取代了他的位置。Phil当时的嗓音还是比较高亢尖锐的嗓音,因为那时他们的风格仍然是老式的Thrash Metal,需要一个能够足够高亢的嗓子。1988年,专辑Power Metal(力量金属)发行。这是PANTERA在Metal Magic的最后一张唱片,也是Phil加入乐队后的第一张。这张并不成功的专辑由于它的名字导致了以后金属分类的一个分歧,因为专辑本身的音乐风格并非欧洲人所说的Power Metal,欧洲人把HELLOWEEN、GAMMA RAY和GRAVE DIGGER这样的旋律性的速度金属叫做Power Metal,而自PANTERA的这张专辑之后,PANTERA这样的乐队开始被美国人称作Power Metal,特征是音色低沉,足够重,节奏感强,和Hardcore有所杂交。 1990年,PANTERA发行了他们在Atco旗下的第一张唱片:Cowboys From Hell(地狱牛仔),在这张专辑中,PANTERA真正开始成熟并开始了自己独特的风格,Dimebag的吉他有着节奏感很强的切分,Phil的嗓音也变得比以前更低,这些都很适合让现场时数万观众整整齐齐的甩头,基本上可以说是一种简化和加重的Thrash Metal。凭借这张专辑,PANTERA才迎来了真正的成功。在组建六年之后,这个名字终于响遍了整个美国。在我看来,这张专辑可能是乐队最好的专辑了。接着是Vulgar Display of Power(力量的粗暴展示)。这张唱片在美国掀起了一股PANTERA热潮,几乎人人都在谈论这几个在舞台上制造着巨大声浪的家伙。因为他们那种节奏分明的音乐让那些听惯了老式金属的人们感到新鲜。Mouth for War、Walk等歌使PANTERA的名字也上了排行榜的前列。从此以后,PANTERA不再是一支当地的小乐队了,他们也要像那些大牌明星一样在全国各地进行巡演了。此时的PANTERA,已经成为流行乐坛上相当耀眼的重金属明星。 1994年,专辑Far Beyond Driven(超出驾驶范围之外)发行。专辑在Billboard排行榜上赢得了一上榜即取得冠军的惊人记录,这对于重金属音乐来说,无疑是破天荒的头一遭。虽然专辑很快就从排行榜上划了下来,但这却是对Grunge时代“重金属已经死亡”这一言论的强力回击。这也是当年Hardcore/Power Metal 乐迷所最为期待的一张专辑,事实证明,专辑的音乐就象封面上的电钻一样,足以让你心惊肉跳。PANTERA的这种风格在当时成为一种竞相追逐的时尚,有很多乐队开始领悟到重金属并不一定要有流畅的吉他节奏,华丽的solo和动听的主唱,节奏和嘶吼似乎更讨人喜欢,于是类似COAL CHAMBER、DEFTONES、SUNDOWN等乐队也开始模仿这种新式的Hardcore/Power Metal风格。这之后乐队休整了一段时间,主唱Phil和C.O.C.的吉他手Pepper Keenan组建了一支名为DOWN的乐队,并发行了专辑Nola,这张专辑非常出色,Phil那强劲的嗓音和Pepper颇具旋律感的重型吉他结合得完美无缺,在我看来,这张Nola比PANTERA的任何一张专辑都要出色,甚至有必要用专门的篇幅来进行阐述,因此这里就不多说了。1997年夏天,PANTERA推出了乐迷期待已久的The Great Southern Trendkill(伟大南方时尚杀手)。专辑意在讽刺那些赶非主流时髦的投机主义音乐人。主唱Phil的嚎功在专辑中得到了很充分的发挥,不过由于专辑显得比较混乱,而且PANTERA似乎太想把音乐做得又重又狠,反而容易让人感到腻烦。1998年,PANTERA又发行了一张现场:101 Proof。凶猛的音乐结合主唱令人敬畏的嗓音,演绎了乐队多年来的名曲。Phil曾说过,PANTERA的可怕来自现场。看来这话一点没错。在很多人眼里看来,这是(美式)Power Metal迷所必备的一张唱片。值得一提的是,专辑的封面内容是名酒Jack Daniels瓶子,而最早的Jack Daniels恰是101度的(美国法定的标准酒精烈度为100度)。 随着Techno、Gothic、Industrial和Rap的流行,很多当年模仿PANTERA起家的乐队也纷纷开始转型,还有更多乐队玩起了所谓Nu-Metal(新金属),这些东西令PANTERA感到反感,他们心目中的重金属仍然是不折不扣的重型吉他摇滚(主唱Phil还曾在一次采访中表示了对黑金属的兴趣,并表示如果有机会他可能也想组建一支黑金属乐队)。于是在2000年,他们以一张Reinventing The Steel(重铸钢铁)来表达他们的态度,虽然音乐上没有什么出彩的地方,但至少还是延续了乐队一贯的风格,配合着世纪末的重金属回潮,这张专辑在短期内也突破了金唱片的销量。在90年代中早期重金属全面低潮的时候能够异军突起,足以证明PANTERA是一支强有力的重金属乐队 The preeminent metal band of the early to mid-90s, Pantera put to rest any and all remnants of the 80s metal scene, almost single-handedly demolishing any notion that hair metal, speed metal, power metal, et al., were anything but passé. Loathe to admit it, the Texas band had in fact been one of those 80s metal bands, releasing fairly unsuccessful (and later disowned) glam-inspired music throughout much of the decade. The about-face came with the addition of vocalist Phil Anselmo, and the key turning point was the bands major-label debut, Cowboys from Hell (1990). Panteras mainstream breakthrough came next with Vulgar Display of Power (1992), their second major-label album, which thrust the band to the forefront of the metal scene, alongside such veteran bands as Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax, as well as fellow up-and-comers Sepultura and White Zombie. By the time Pantera unleashed Far Beyond Driven (1994), after two long years of touring, they were the most popular metal band in the land: the new album debuted atop the Billboard Top 200 as its lead single, Im Broken, was getting massive airplay.At the height of their popularity and influence, Pantera began to self-destruct. Less than two months after the release of The Great Southern Trendkill (1996) — an album ridden with allusions to drug abuse and personal destruction — Anselmo overdosed on heroin after a homecoming concert in Texas, and as tensions rose between him and his fellow bandmembers, he began engaging with a growing list of side projects that kept him away from Pantera. A live album, Official Live: 101 Proof (1997), was compiled for release when it became evident that no new studio album was forthcoming any time soon. One final studio album did result, Reinventing the Steel (2000), but that was more or less it for the briefly reunited Pantera. The bandmembers once again went their sperate ways, forming such bands as Damageplan, Down, and Superjoint Ritual. The end of Pantera then became official on December 8, 2004, when guitarist Dimebag Darrell was murdered on-stage by a deranged fan. This much-publicized murder shone the spotlight back on Pantera for an extended moment, and amid all of the emotional outpouring and tributes, a consensus arose: in retrospect, there was no greater metal band during the early to mid-90s than Pantera, who inspired a legion of rabid fans and whose oft-termed groove metal style bucked all prevailing trends of the day — from hair metal and grunge to nu-metal and rap-metal — and remains singular to this day, as defined by the vocals of Anselmo as it is by the guitar of Dimebag.