姓名Every Avenue 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


by Andrew LeaheyEvery Avenue's energetic combo of emo and pop took root in 2003, when members David Ryan (vocals, piano), Joshua Randall (guitar), Jimmie Deeghan (guitar), Cameron "Cam" Grestiner (bass), and Michael Govaere (drums) first came together in Marysville, MI. A self-titled record was released that same year on the band's own tab. By 2007, however, Fearless Records had noticed Every Avenue's promise and signed them to the label's roster. The six-song Ah! EP was issued that summer, and a full-length record, Shh. Just Go with It, was scheduled for release in early 2008.
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