姓名Brazzaville 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


布拉扎维的理想 布拉扎维一直有一个单纯的理想并为此而努力, 就是我们所生活的世界是美好和使人憧憬的世界, 我们还相信在这个清醒的世界表面下有另一个现实, 在那里一切都是美好的. 这是属于我们的真实, 而且坚信通过帮助别人会使自己变得不再那么害怕周围的世界. 我们喜欢音乐, 梦想有一艘轮船,这样就可以有一天乘着它行驶在飘浮着废弃石油的海面上, 穿过七个大洋, 认识新朋友, 吃咸鳕鱼和莽吉柿子. 我们喜欢什么 巴塞罗那的机场, 轮船, 甘蔗汁, 南瓜饼, 毕雷矿泉, 屋顶的花园, jetlag poetry, 老人, 大篷车, 大堆肥料, 腌咸的鱼, bio diesel, 绿的椰子, 树上的小屋, body surfing, 天气预报, 海藻农场, 有缺口的牙齿, 吊床, 温泉, 乌云, 清晨, laundermats, 香蕉薄饼, 丁香 烟, 超8相机, 唐人街(全世界的), 英国牛头犬, Little Tokyo(LA), 莽吉柿, 夏天的雷雨, 烧焦的荒原的味道. 我们不喜欢什么 MTV, Clearchannel, SFX, 中产"流氓", tract homes, Wal Mart, aissez-faire capitalism, 快餐, 工业化农庄, ATVs, SUVs, Orange County 以及世界上类似的地方, shock jocks, 明星文化和长寿. 专辑介绍: 2002 (1998, South China Sea) 2002是Brazzaville的第一张专辑, 1997年在北好莱坞的SS Clove Factory录制. 由Michael Rozon制作. 在像Deng Xiaoping, Sewers of Bangkok, IMF和Shioda这样的音乐里, 我试图探索全球化的不利因素. 我试图讲述那些走在后面的人们的故事. 同时我也被商业社会, 国际贸易和国际毒品交易所困扰. 我想那就是这盘专辑的全部主题. 在Shams里, 叙述了一个有关我和一位可能是居住在爪哇南海的女神的故事. Somnambulista (2000, South China Sea) Somnambulista是Brazzaville的第二章专辑, 同样是在北好莱坞的SS Clove Factory录制并由Michael Rozon制作. 他实在是最难以完成的一张专辑, 我相信音乐创作者们在制作他们的第二章专辑时很多人会变成疯子. 我不止一次的落泪直到混音接近尾声的时候我才彻底的醒悟了整件事情中没有一次是值得的. 像Old man Dub, Boeing和3rd and Broadway这些音乐是准上流社会的写照, Sandman献给我的一位死去的朋友Mark Sandman, Super Gizi是描写一次长途飞行时我在大洋上面30000英尺高的天空里当时平静的内心感觉. Rouge On Pockmarked Cheeks (2002, South China Sea) Rouge On Pockmarked Cheeks(雀斑上的口红), 是Brazzaville乐队的第三张专辑, 录制于2000年和2001年, 大部分是在我自己的录音棚里完成的. 并由Michael Rozon, Kenny Lyon, Nigel Godrich和Tony Hoffer完成的缩混. 录这盘专辑时我的生活处在非常灰暗的的低谷, Motel Room和Rainy Night是关于我的两个去世的朋友的. North Koreatown是一首给我的沐浴在晨光中的少年时光的感伤的歌. High Life是一个老去的时装模特的故事. Trona是一个我最喜欢的使人毛骨悚然的废弃的小城. Xanax是为了纪念9-11而作. Late Night Lullaby是给我的儿子的. Welcome To Brazzaville (2004, Web of Mimicry) Welcome To Brazzaville是我们的精选辑, 收集了前面山张专辑里的三首歌和一些新歌(Love Sky和Christmas in East Cirebon). 因为Mimicry唱片的Trey Spruance建议我出版一张能够让更多的听众理解和接受Brazzaville的合辑. Love Sky是我的父亲和母亲的故事, 以及我和父亲一起去工作的的遥远的记忆, 那时他还是一名卡车司机. 从Long Beach和San Pedro的码头送集装箱到Vernon的火车站. Christmas in EC描写了一群低成本的年轻旅行者们, 以及他们的生活被海 洛 因毁掉的故事. Hastings Street (2004, Soyuz) Hastings Street是Brazzaville最近的一张专辑, 以Vancouver的声名狼藉的Hastings Street街命名. 基本上是Vancouver的贫民窟, 到处充斥着毒贩和妓女. 我曾遇到过一个人, 这盘CD的标题曲灵感来自于他的经历. 这张专辑里也有几首爱情歌曲(Old Folks, It Only Hurts). 还有几首歌是描写几个不同的人物的故事. Londres讲述了一个生长在洛杉矶东部的女孩, 她的生活在被贫困和暴力所包围. 她喜欢听The Cure和The Smith的音乐并梦想有一天可以去那个充满梦想的城市Londres(伦敦). Love Is the Answer讲述了一个被父母虐待的女孩同最好的朋友一起逃往旧金山的故事. Lagos Slums是一个尼日利亚人在全球化的社会里用尽全力抚养他的家庭的故事. Led by Beck saxophonist David Brown, Brazzaville's exotic, globally minded indie pop was as much a product of Brown's extensive travels as it was the Los Angeles coffeehouse scene from whence most of its members came. Born in L.A., Brown had been a teenage runaway and heroin addict before cleaning up and finding a new lease on life from his love of traveling the world on the cheap. He criss-crossed Europe, South America, and Asia, picking up musical influences from the Far East, Brazil (bossa nova and Tropicalia), Africa, and France (cabaret pop), among others. Eventually, he returned to California, where he studied the saxophone at L.A. City College. There he first met Beck, and was introduced to a community of artists and musicians centered around the Los Feliz/Silver Lake area of L.A. When Beck hit the big time, he tapped Brown as the saxophonist in his touring band, and invited him to play on the Odelay album.In 1997, during the world tour supporting Odelay, Brown conceived the idea for Brazzaville, taking the name from the capital of the Congo, which in a recent study had been branded with the worst quality of life of any major city in the world. Brown added guitar to his instrumental repertoire (which grew to include piano, trombone, and percussion as well), and when he returned to Los Angeles in 1998, he put together a diverse lineup of musicians — scenesters and session men — that reflected his own wide-ranging tastes. Trombonist/saxophonist David Ralicke worked with numerous acts, including Natalie Merchant, Ozomatli, Ben Harper, Macy Gray, and Ziggy Marley, and later joined the L.A.-based Cambodian rock band Dengue Fever. Guitarist/bassist Kenny Lyon, who'd grown up in Zaire and Spain, had performed with alternative bands like the Lemonheads and the Divinyls, as well as singer/songwriters like Mark Curry, Jann Arden, and David Baerwald. Guitarist Smokey Hormel was another Beck regular who also performed and recorded with Cibo Matto, Sam Phillips, John Doe, and Tom Waits, among others. Percussionist Danny Frankel had played with musicians from Victoria Williams to Luscious Jackson to bluesman Ted Hawkins. Pianist Mike Boito was another Beck cohort who'd also played with Ralicke in the ska band Jump With Joey.Together with turntablist DJ Swamp and several other players, this version of Brazzaville recorded a self-titled debut album and released it on Brown's own South China Sea imprint in 1999. It received favorable reviews of its hybrid of indie pop, lounge jazz, world music, and noir-ish atmosphere, and was most often likened to Tom Waits or Morphine. Later that year, the Engine label picked up the record's distribution rights and reissued it under the title 2002. The follow-up Somnambulista, released in 2001 on South China Sea, welcomed several new members, including Guadalupe-born/Paris-raised percussionist Joel Virgel Vierset (who'd worked with Nina Hagen), bassist Joe Zimmerman, and Latin-influenced trumpeter/accordionist Mick Bolger. Brazzaville's third full-length, Rouge on Pockmarked Cheeks, appeared in 2002 with much the same cast of characters. Afterwards, Brown relocated to Barcelona and assembled an alternate European lineup of Brazzaville, which included guitarist Paco Jordi, keyboardist Richie Alvarez, bassist Brady Arthur Lynch, and drummer Ivan Knight.
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