Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn是一对甜蜜小情侣,从2008年夏天开始一起做音乐,后来决定成立个叫Pomplamoose的乐队。Pomplamoose这个词表明了这个乐队是两个音乐人之间的协作,在法语里面有葡萄柚的意思。虽然乐队只有两个人,但是灵通多种乐器的Jack把每首歌的伴奏做得有声有色;Nataly独特的音色和唱腔,韵味十足,和声也唱得非常棒。他们就在自己家里录制歌曲(有次还在他们的视频里看到Nataly端着碗麦片)。Nataly可爱,Jack搞怪。乐队从翻唱开始,慢慢有了自己的原创歌曲。现已出同名专辑 Pomplamoose。 Pomplamoose is a music group that consists of Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn. Conte formed the band Pomplamoose with his girlfriend Nataly Dawn in the summer of 2008. The band's presence is primarily online, having only performed a handful of live shows. Nevertheless, the collaboration has garnered significant fan support. Fueled by the feature of their video Hail Mary on the main page of YouTube, Pomplamoose's channel has about 76,000 subscribers as of January 2010. The band recently produced the next studio album of Julia Nunes.