姓名Lawson 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Lawson是一支成军于伦敦的四人摇滚乐队,成员分别是主音吉他Andy Brown,鼓手Adam Pitts,吉他手Joel Peat以及贝斯手Ryan Fletcher,成员分别来自英国利物浦,布莱顿,诺丁汉和谢菲尔德。When She Was Mine是乐队的首支正式单曲...

Lawson, formerly known as The Grove, are a four-piece British pop rock band signed to Polydor Records. The band consists of Andy Brown, Adam Pitts, Joel Peat and Ryan Fletcher, originally from Liverpool, Brighton, Nottingham and Chesterfield respectively. The band are now based in London. On May 27, 2012, they released their debut single, "When She Was Mine", and their debut album is slated for a September release.
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