曾经于1988, 1990年两度来台,于台北、台中、台南、高雄举办共8场演唱会,创下全省近20万人次参与的纪录,并掀起台湾史无前例的摇滚旋风,素有“瑞典国宝”美誉的Europe欧洲合唱团,自1982年于瑞典全国业余摇滚乐团大赛中脱颖而出、赢得首奖以及唱片合约,并于1983年发行首张同名专辑开始,便以其深受欧洲古典艺术气息所影响而特有的优美旋律,融合重摇滚的爆发力、主唱高亢细致的嗓音以及简捷的曲式,直接且迅速地征服了全球的乐迷。虽然说Europe自1992年3 月于英国朴茨茅斯完成最后的巡回演唱行程之后,便无预警地在其仍处于事业高峰之际就此就地解散、各奔前程,且在其十年的音乐生涯中,仅发表过5张录音室作品,却已足以创下全球数千万张的专辑以及千万张单曲销售纪录!
Originally a progressive rock group, Europe didn't achieve any success until they reworked their sound into a bombastic yet melodic pop-metal. In their first incarnation, the Swedish band was called Force. The band — featuring core members Joey Tempest (vocals), John Norum (guitar), and John Leven (bass) — won a national talent contest in the early '80s, which led to a record contract. After changing their name to Europe and releasing two albums in Sweden (Europe and Wings of Tomorrow), the band landed an international deal with Epic Records. By this time, Norum had left the group and was replaced by Kee Marcello; drummer Ian Haughland and keyboardist Michael Michaeli also joined the lineup.
In 1986, Europe released The Final Countdown. On the album, Michaeli's keyboards took a prominent role (they provide the main riff in the hit title track), which nicely complimented the band's smoother pop melodies. The change in style proved successful, as the record became a Top Ten hit in the U.S. and U.K.; both "The Final Countdown" and "Carrie" became Top Ten singles as well. Delivered two years later, Out of This World continued the formula of the previous record. It also was a success, although its numbers didn't match those of The Final Countdown. Two years later, Europe released their final album, Prisoners of Paradise, to little attention.