姓名Flex 别名暂无
国籍巴拿马 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日1979年8月26日 星座魔羯座
身高 体重


Nigga出生于1979年8月26日 ,本名Félix Danilo Gómez ,艺名Flex 或 Nigga 曾是格莱美音乐奖雷鬼类唱法获得者,这在巴拿马音乐史上算是个极大的突破,他目前主要在墨西哥和美国拉丁语届发展,Nigga在英语中是对黑人的鄙称,他解释说之所以起这个名字是因为有个巴拿马歌手说他长得像牙买加的黑人,不过在美国他的这个名字已经受到争议, 因此也用Flex这个名字。 雷吉盾Reggaeton是一种大约10年前在美国南部加勒比海的岛国波多黎各产生的新音乐类型。雷吉盾Reggaeton是由有名的雷吉Reggae节奏分支出来的,雷吉Reggae曾横扫世界,拥有世界上很大一部分的歌迷。雷吉盾Reggaeton 主要风靡在年轻人中,因为他的节奏很适合跳舞,跳性感的舞。 雷吉盾Reggaeton 的低音是他的一个特色,他领导大多数此类风格的歌,成为了一个使身体不由自主的摇摆起来的一个特点。 Latino R&B/reggae singer Flex first emerged in 1997 and, following years of climbing the mixtape ladder, solidified his solo career in 2008 with the smash hit record Te Quiero. Flex began his career appearing on the disc De Censura, Vol. 1, featured on the song "Como Puedo Cantar," a duet with Toby King. Though locally successful, the disc did not offer significant forward motion. In 2000, the young singer was discovered by reggae producer Celia Torres, sewing seeds for what would become a major breakthrough. Flex was offered the opportunity to appear on a mix disc called Las Propias 2000, performing alongside singer Duende on the track "Dejala." The song became a hit throughout Latin America, generating significant airplay in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru, and Ecuador. Flex's next collaboration with Torres proved even more successful. Together they produced "La Balada de Flex," a sensitive ballad dedicated to his late mother, hitting airwaves as much of Latin America was ramping up for Mother's Day. The song became an instant success, soon considered an urban hymn for Latina mothers. Following the song's success, Flex was regularly solicited for collaborations and mixtape appearances. Among the more notable was the 2003 disc Triple X, which became a best-seller in Ecuador in the year of its release. The young artist made more than 40 concert appearances in 2003 thanks to his Ecuadorian fan base. As his popularity continued to flourish, so did the need for a solo disc. Flex began preparing and writing the repertoire that would make up his solo debut in 2006. Years of hard work paid off in 2008 with the release of Te Quiero, landing a spot on Billboard's Top 200 and placing at number five on Billboard's Top Latin Albums category.
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