姓名S Club 8 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地英国
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Calvin,Frankie,Aaron,Daisy,Hannah,Jay,Stacey和Rochelle,这八个人如果分开来看,恐怕只能用一无是处来形容,不过他们现在凑在了一起,于是成为国际头牌经纪人Simon Fuller炮制流行传奇的又一次延续,以往的辣妹(Spice Girls)和以前S Club 8的上一代产品——S Club 7都是Simon Fuller成功杰作。要说这个S Club 8得先从S Club 7说起,当年从上万少男少女中脱颖而出的7个帅哥美女在BBC饰演剧集Miami 7,没想到作为副业的演唱也如此成功,后来成员之一的Cattermole离队而使组合更名为S Club。今年夏天,如日中天的S Club急流勇退宣布解散。那么必然要有新的少男少女来填补空缺,于是有了一个新的组合自称S Club Juniors,官方称之为S Club 8。S Club 8也大致是S Club 7的青春活泼型组合,风格大同小异,更多了一些House/Trance的舞厅风格,虽然幼稚但也悦小朋友之耳。不一样的是S Club 7在四年里取得了10个Top 10,发了四张专辑,而S Club 8才刚开始,S Club 8的单曲FOOL NO MORE曾上榜,并取得不错的成绩

S Club 8, previously known as S Club Juniors, was a spin-off of the UK pop group S Club 7. The group's members, Jay Asforis, Daisy Evans, Calvin Goldspink, Stacey McClean, Aaron Renfree, Hannah Richings, Frankie Sandford and Rochelle Wiseman were all in their early teens or younger when they were chosen from thousands of hopefuls on the S Club Search (2001) television series. The group was originally intended only as a support act at Wembley Arena on S Club 7's S Club Carnival Tour. The group also had its own documentary series, S Club Juniors: The Story.
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