姓名Clannad 别名暂无
国籍爱尔兰 出生地爱尔兰
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Clannad在传统Celtic音乐和现代音乐间架起了一道桥梁。他们的专集经常能够在迷人的流行音乐的形式下不留痕迹地融合各种元素。这种融合已经赢得了全球各地一大批歌迷的顶礼膜拜。他们乐队的名字来自盖尔语中的“家庭”,Clannad乐队在1970年成立,当时,Brennan家族的Maire(人声,竖琴),Ciaran(人声,吉他,Bass,键盘),Pol(吉他,打击乐器,长笛,人声)在他们父亲Leo的酒馆里面和他们的两个舅舅Padraig Duggan(吉他,人声,曼陀林),Noel Duggan(吉他,人声)一起演出。不久,这个小组开始尝试演奏爱尔兰民间的节日歌曲,他们在1973年发行了同名专集,但是他们直到1975年在德国巡回演出后才获得了成功。值得一提的是,Moya的妹妹Enya,在80-82年短短的两年里,也曾是CLANNAD乐队的成员,负责的是键盘和一部分人声。在1984年为英国的电视节目“Robin Sherwood”进行音乐制作时,CLANNAD才透过持续的广播,被介绍给美国的观众。1992年在美国发行了他们越过大西洋的首张专辑《ANAM》之后,成为家喻户晓的团体,大放异彩,《Theme from Harry's Game》也引起无可抵挡的回响,而且还获得了Billboard音乐奖中的“年度世界音乐”(World Music Song Of The Year)。by Stephen Thomas ErlewineClannad bridged the gap between traditional Celtic music and pop. Usually, their results were an entrancing, enchanting form of pop that managed to fuse the disparate elements together rather seamlessly. Such fusions have earned the band an international cult of fans.Taking their name from the Gaelic word for family, Clannad formed in 1970 when the Brennan family — Maire (vocals, harp), Ciaran (vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards), Pol (guitar, percussion, flute, vocals) — began playing at their father Leos tavern with two of their uncles, Padraig Duggan (guitar, vocals, mandolin) and Noel Duggan (guitar, vocals). Soon afterward, the group began playing folk festivals in Ireland. They released their self-titled first album in 1973, yet the band didnt earn any widespread success until they toured Germany in 1975. Maires sister, Enya, joined the group in 1979, yet left in 1982, just as the group was beginning to come into some pop success in the U.K. Clannad recorded the theme song for the television program Harrys Game; the single hit number five on the charts and won the band an Ivor Novello Award. The band recorded the soundtrack to the television production Robin of Sherwood in 1984; it won a British Academy Award for best soundtrack the next year. Clannads success continued in 1986, when U2s Bono was featured on the Top 20 hit In a Lifetime. The band continued to release albums into the 1990s, building their pop following without losing their folk audience. Landmarks, was issued in early 1998.
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