姓名Fly Project 别名暂无
国籍罗马尼亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Fly Project is the most successful dance group in Romania. Made up from Tudor Ionescu & Dan Denes, the group launched their debut album, named Fly Project, in 2005. Their first hit single, Raisa, became an instant success and was the nr. 1 hit in all of the clubs in Romania, managing to stay in the first music rankings till the summer of 2006. Raisa is also considered to be one of the most well known and loved dance songs of all time in Romania. In 2007 they launched K-tinne, another instant success which landed many music awards including the Romanian Top Hits Best Dance and Romanian Top Hits Best Song awards. This was just a prequel to their second album which made record sales and broke all booking milestones, managing to secure the most concert bookings in one year. The year 2008 brings Fly Project European fame. Brasil, their new hit single is declared in 2008 the best single at the Romanian Music Awards and skyrockets to the top of the international charts. Performed featuring Anca Parghel & Tom Boxer, the song managed to secure first places in the music charts from Rusia, Brasil , Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Bulgaria, Grece, Serbia, Moldova and many more. Also, in the year 2008, the boys achieved success on the musical market of Asia lunching an Best Of named Raisa - Angels Na Na Na in Japan. The deal was made through the romanian record company Roton and Pony Canyon Japan, one of the biggest names in the music industry from Eastern Asia. The album made an immediate impact and in 2009, Fly Project are preparing a tour in Asia, Europe & The United States.Till now, Fly Project has performed over 2000 live concerts and has an award record of over 10 major prizes of the Romanian Music Industry. Also the group was nominated at the MTV European Music Awards 2008 for their hit-ul Brasil and at the Russian Music Awards 2008.
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